Europa-Park receives „Brass Ring Award for Human Resources Excellence“

In the course of the IAAPA Attractions Expo, the world’s leading trade show of the amusement industry in Orlando, Florida, Europa-Park was awarded the “Brass Ring Award for Human Resources Excellence” for its in-house training program for employees. “The Brass Ring Awards recognize the best of the best in the attractions industry” emphasizes IAAPA (International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions). Europa-Park has established a varied in-house training program and focuses on sustainable personnel development since many years.

To be able to operate on the highest level, Germany’s biggest theme park established the “Europa-Park Academy” some years ago. The variety of jobs at Europa-Park demands an extensive training program. Language courses and presentation techniques as well as safety and environment -, fire prevention - and event-safety trainings are part of the employees’ education.  

Qualified employees who enjoy their work are a big part of the success of Europa-Park. With the construction of the new wooden rollercoaster and the fifth hotel “Bell Rock”, which will open in July 2012, Europa-Park creates some 300 new jobs in the season 2012.


  • Thomas, Roland and Jürgen Mack (from right) with Matthias Kirch (Europa-Park) received the „Brass Ring Award for Human Resources Excellence“